Persona 3- Nitya

Nitya is a 16 year old girl.

“I want a job that is more practical or has field work and doesn’t
require me to sit in an office all day.”

She lives at home with her mother, elder sister and younger brother.
Her father has passed away, and her mother earns for the family.
Her mother works as an office attendant at an advocate’s office.
Spending time with her family members brings a smile to her face,
be it playing pranks on them or having silly fights about the television
and also, sharing with her friends and family. She has fun and feels extremely
focused while making crafts like photoframes. When she is sad, she plays
badminton distract herself and avoids telling anyone about her worries.

She joined the ITI because of her wish for a job that didn’t require one to sit at one
place for long and also, as her elder sister was studying here too. At the age of 10, her dream was to be a CA, she left this thought as she is not strong with her language. Though, she is happy with the change in plan she would still like the ITI to help her improve her language.

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